Goal Setting This Year? Do This Instead

For most of us the path is by setting a goal, some of us even go further and write them down! If you go even further then you might look at them daily and even repeat mantras about how this is YOUR year! And then 6 months passes and the goals are staring you in the face… still on paper or attempted and abandoned. I used to be the same, but I have found a better way and it took the Tax man to teach me the lesson!!

Goal Setting This Year? Do This Instead
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Angela_Durrant]Angela Durrant

OK so admit it, how many times have you decided this is the year that you… lose weight, take up running, and write your bucket list… Commit to your singing dreams (you know that little voice on the inside of you that keeps tapping away even though you keep shelving it with another excuse?) Well actually I’m going to take the guilt trip away from you!! I’m going to show you exactly why those dreams have stayed just that.

For most of us the path is by setting a goal, some of us even go further and write them down! If you go even further then you might look at them daily and even repeat mantras about how this is YOUR year! And then 6 months passes and the goals are staring you in the face… still on paper or attempted and abandoned. I used to be the same, but I have found a better way and it took the Tax man to teach me the lesson!!

You see, one time I was faced with a large tax bill to pay and only 6 months to pay it. The number at first didn’t look impossible but then again I couldn’t’ see HOW I was going to do it, and in that TIME FRAME either.

So I went home and worked backwards from the time it had to be in. I worked out how many weeks and how much had to be saved. It was amazing that once I had taken the big end goal away, what I needed to do WEEKLY was actually very easy. I created a SYSTEM to do that and checked regularly to see if I was ON TRACK. I made ADJUSTMENTS along the way and before I knew it I had the money.

And guess what it was GUILT AND STRESS FREE.

So what would happen if you committed to an easy workable system? Once that fits in with you?

You could use it for learning several songs ready for a concert or a gig.

You could do it for learning a part in a musical or opera.

You could plan your lessons for the year and even increase them by looking at how much per week you stash away to pay for them.

You could use the same approach to get your website up and running, write songs or record an EP.

So here’s what to do now:

1. Release the need to for immediate results:

Rome wasn’t built in a day and nor are your aspirations.

2. Commit to a process NOT a goal

When you just have a goal with no specific plan you spend your time feeling “not good enough, or only successful when you get the goal”. We put lots of stress on ourselves and then when we cave in carry on with the story of “Why we can’t”.

3. Fall in love with S.Y.S.T.E.M.S.

(So You Stay Truly Experiencing Massive Success) –

Create and reverse engineer your goals, creating a SYSTEM to achieve them.

Goals provide the framework and the aspiration, but to get that out of the heart and into your life with require more than wishful thinking. Giving up doesn’t tell you that it couldn’t be done, just that you didn’t have any clear idea to work into your life as to how to see it unfold.

I’m one of the top vocal and performance coaches in Wales for singers and speakers. Transforming voices and building confident performers.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Goal-Setting-This-Year?-Do-This-Instead&id=8332205] Goal Setting This Year? Do This Instead

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