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Tag Archives: snow
Seize The Opportunity! Its Snowing Money!
Salesmanship begins with belief that you can be profitable with a new idea. A good salesman is a true entrepreneur. He is a person who takes a risk every day and sees an opportunity when it presents itself. Seize The … Continue reading
Posted in Category 1
Tagged how to make money, oppotunity, salersmanship, sales training, selling, snow
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Beauty of Winter Photography
Winter Photography can be quite intimidating and you may think that it is just too complicated… Not so, come out and try it with us. You will be amazed of what you and your little camera can do! Beauty of … Continue reading
What If a Blizzard Came – The Making of a Blizzard Survival Bag By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Joseph_Parish]Joseph Parish Here you are driving in North Dakota in the middle of winter. You have the radio turned on and winter weather warnings are in … Continue reading