Being Dismissive: A Dirty Workplace Behavior

Having a hard time listening to others can make you look foolish at work. Getting others to listen to your ideas can be an art. Here are a couple of quick ways to switch it up.

Being Dismissive: A Dirty Workplace Behavior

By []Vivian A. Scott

Isn’t it frustrating when you have an idea that you’re dying to share and after getting only a few words out someone cuts you off or moves on to the next person? Yeah, me too; and that’s just one example of dismissive behavior in the workplace. Moving things along in a business setting is necessary at times but the way in which it’s done can make the person doing it look foolish as much as it makes the recipient of the action feel small.

If you’re the one feeling dismissed, be open to the reality that the way others react to your ideas may have something to do with your delivery. Consider how you could come across more succinctly (think bullet points!) and get to the benefit of your idea quickly. Actually, think about starting with the benefit. Saying something like, “We could raise our customer service rating by 10% if we… ” is sure to grab attention faster than saving it for a big finish.

What if you’re the one who’s been accused of being dismissive or flip? Try giving yourself an internal time limit before you speak-especially if the current speaker wants to share a feeling or emotion about something. Better yet, ask at least one question about whatever it is he’s saying before you consider whether his contribution is worth exploring or his concerns are valid. “Tell me what makes you think that” or “What would be the benefit for trying that” are perfect (and quick) ways to help the speaker get to the point faster and avoid losing your attention.

Article Source: [] Being Dismissive: A Dirty Workplace Behavior

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