Tips for Creating a More Pleasant Office Enviroment

If you’re like most full-time workers, you spend a significant portion of your life at the office. While making your home a welcoming retreat is a worthy goal, it’s also smart to create a more pleasant office environment. Not only can a more attractive work environment make you feel better once you clock in, it can also improve your productivity, project a more professional image, and even improve your health. Use these tips to get inspired and get started.

Tips for Creating a More Pleasant Office Environment
By []Lindsy Mace

If you’re like most full-time workers, you spend a significant portion of your life at the office. While making your home a welcoming retreat is a worthy goal, it’s also smart to create a more pleasant office environment. Not only can a more attractive work environment make you feel better once you clock in, it can also improve your productivity, project a more professional image, and even improve your health. Use these tips to get inspired and get started.

Re-imagine your workspace – Creating a more pleasant office environment begins long before your first visit to the office furniture store. Look at your workspace with fresh eyes and imagine it completely empty. If you could create the ideal office environment in the space you have, what would it look like? Think about how you work and start sketching your ideas. For example, while your office may currently be stuffed with file cabinets determine whether they’re still necessary. If your office is now largely paperless, you may be able to archive some of your older documents and eliminate some of the file cabinets in your office.

Choose calming colors – The colors you choose could affect your productivity – for better or for worse. According to Pantone, color affects the body and the mind. Red, for example, can lead to riskier behaviors and raise blood pressure while blue has a calming effect. Colors associated with improved productivity include blue, green, and light orange. Gray and drab shades of green can be depressing while extremely vivid colors such as yellow or red can be too stimulating. Consider the context of your work environment as well.

Invest in good lighting – Harsh fluorescent lights may be inexpensive to purchase and operate, but they may not be the best choice for your mood or eyes. The more natural light you can bring into your office, the better.

Choose ergonomic furniture – Not only should your office environment be visually welcoming, it should support your body. Choose ergonomic furniture and accessories to prevent common workplace-associated injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, back and neck pain, and eye strain.

Add plants – Did you know that plants have been shown to reduce stress? A study by researchers at the University of Sydney found significant mood improvements with plants present including less anger, depression, confusion, anxiety, fatigue and stress. In addition to facilitating a calmer work environment, plants are pretty, they produce oxygen, and they encourage you to be more nurturing. After all, they rely on you for their health.

Add a personal touch – Your office should reflect who you are without going overboard. Add photos of your family, stock your office bookshelf with motivational business books, and stock one of your desk drawers with a few favorite snacks from home. This will help bring a “home feeling” while you’re at work.

Invest in pleasurable office supplies – Even your office supplies can make a difference in how enjoyable your workday can be. Invest in good pens, a high quality planner, and other supplies you use on a daily basis.

[]Lindsy Mace wrote this article to inform her readers on how to create a pleasant office environment. Having worked as an interior designer, she used resources from Solutions Office Interiors and a []Hub Page to help write this article.

Article Source: [] Tips for Creating a More Pleasant Office Environment

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