Redefining Our Harmony, The Zodiac Month of Libra 2015

Redefining Our Harmony, The Zodiac Month of Libra 2015
By []Sharita Star

The Zodiac Month Ahead

Redefining Our Harmony

What we can expect from the forecast of our planetary skies 23 September to 23 October.

Making the Most of Our Cycle in Libra

The initiation of Autumn 2015 comes under the reflective tones of Mercury Retrograde who is asking us for review and redo within Libra 17 September to 09 October. As our Sun’s energy always favors beginning again wherever it is transiting, what’s new within Libra will see some weighing in of those pros and cons until the New Moon here 12 October, once Mercury is Direct again.

Libra’s consciously aim for harmony as their innate abilities are easily able to negotiate, adjust and compare. The options of their free will’s choices run from diplomacy to insincerity; helpful to interfering; friendly to dependent; susceptible to wavering; and contentious to lazy. As our Sun journeys here, these potential qualities become the focus of the collective consciousness and the energy that our quantum universe streams for our free will’s to choose from ‘As Above, So Below.’

The planet in charge of Libra is Venus, who is The Idealist behind all our relationships, finances, values and beauty within the Zodiac as she journeys through her cycles. Equally gracing any given sign for just about one month’s time (with exception of her Retrograde cycles) this planet also seeks our understanding, justice, fairness, and our sensations involving the material worlds. Known as a balance and relationship sign of the Zodiac, Libra’s energy is harmonious to experience, as long as the cultivation of firmness, decisiveness, and consistency is a natural practice of the soul’s intentional energy.

Where Does Your Sun Sign Wish For You to Redefine Your Harmony?

ARIES: Partnerships where I Relate

TAURUS: Habits/Routines/Health where I Serve

GEMINI: Creativity/Children/Love Affairs where I Create

CANCER: Home/Family/Environments where I Nurture

LEO: Thinking/Mentalities where I Communicate

VIRGO: Earning Power/Values with what I Have

LIBRA: Approaches/First Impressions with who I Am

SCORPIO: Inner Work/Subconscious Study where I Process

SAGITTARIUS: Hopes/Dreams/Wishes where I Socialize

CAPRICORN: Career/Public Life where I Structure

AQUARIUS: Higher Learning/Travel/Growth where I Believe

PISCES: Regeneration/Wealth/Sexuality where I Transform

Sun enters Libra 23 September

Shine Light Upon Bringing in Balance

Albeit Mercury Retrograde is calling for reflection in The Scales of balance, we all will still receive our opportunities to find the Sun’s initiating energy to pull through this area of our lives. Shortly after Mercury turns direct 09 October, 12 October’s New Moon in Libra will allow the new balance that is still in it’s process of developing to find it’s way during the latter half of our Sun’s journey through Libra. As the process of review and redo is alive and well, finding peace of mind within Libra can be found and will see it’s energy realign before the 23 October.

A strong request to listen as well to be alert to the changes that are happening in our lives during our Sun’s time within Libra calls from the sextile (an astrological blessing of easeful energy to flow) to Saturn in Sagittarius the Sun makes as it enters Libra until 27 September. Anytime Saturn sextiles a planet, you can be promised of progress if serious work and good organization are abound. Concerning Libra and Sagittarius, this is an excellent time to practice patience, self-discipline, clarity and precision of thought as to what will wish to connect between these two areas of our lives. Keep reading to hear about how Mercury will touch upon this even more as he turns Direct 09 October.

Mars enters Virgo 24 September

Where Your Motivations & Desires Thrive

Mars has been quite happy to ride out the end of summer in Leo, where he has been visiting since 08 August. Now, it’s time to bring action and shape up what needs to be brought to conclusions in Virgo throughout 12 November. Desires from The Virgin now become sublimated, with quite a disciplined energy that accompanies them to stimulate technical, scientific and executive skill, allowing our abilities to serve from this area of life with improvements across the board. Look forward to Mars conjunction (meeting up in the same sign) to Jupiter in Virgo 13 to 24 October (exact 17 October), packing a pure punch to this area of the life to find abundant energy and enthusiasm to prevail, with plenty of self-confidence to back it up.

The need for efficiency is unsurpassed as Mars journeys in Virgo, so enjoy the practical, selective, analytical, and logical methods this energy will promote. At worst case, this area of the life may find un-awakened desires that channel scheming, unresponsive, dissatisfied and argumentative attitudes when diplomacy is being ignored. Mars loves a good “fight” but wherever he travels, we are successful when the response of courage is our guide. Should conflict find your slice of life within Virgo until mid November, matching it will not win the battle. Remember as well, with our most recent Solar Eclipse and New Moon here on 13 September, pay close attention to 27 to 29 October as it crosses over the 20 degree Eclipse mark for more information about what new beginnings are in progress within your Virgo slice of life.

Pluto goes Direct in Capricorn 25 September

Where Your Transformation Finds Forward Motion

Our Transformer planet Pluto has been on a reflective pass since 16 April. While our outer planet retrogrades are not as intensely felt as our inner one’s upon the collective, when they station to turn retrograde or direct, seemingly energy is slowed down if not close to stagnant in particular ways, asking us to pause and take in moments so we can reassess. During our current Mercury Retrogade in Libra, as Pluto is on his station to turn Direct, he squares off (creating energy that can be conflicting, cornering and tense) to Mercury Rx on 24 September. Equally just a couple days before the total Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Aries 27 September, you’ll find the emotional landscape will be “up.”

As the square happens to Mercury Rx (as it will again under the Shadow 22 October) our abilities to have keen mental penetration into the realities of any given situation are favored. Secrets are easily exposed, communications are deliberate, harsh and at times calculated. Under Mercury Rx, patience is required, and through free-will, sometimes it is best to simply be silent during these times to not create controversy. Looking to how Libra and Capricorn relate within the personal life is where one will find the ways that the truth will evolve as it should by late October, to expose what needs to be placed into a better foundation that allows a regeneration between these two areas of our lives that creates solidarity for the future.

Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse in Aries, 27 September

Letting Go Where Your Pioneering Spirit Pursues

When a Total Lunar Eclipse equally peaks in the pioneering energies of Aries you’ll see an extra force calling for careful listening to know how to guide patience and courage for what is releasing and asking to be healed from this area of the life. Energy unfolds for an extended period of time after the waning phase ends 12 October, where the effects of completion and letting go can last as long as 6 months for up to a year. This Eclipse and Full Moon lunation calls at 04 degrees Aries, which resonates with positive communications for release to Saturn at 0 degrees Sagittarius, just beginning his journey within The Archer. There is an undeniable responsibility concerning what will be letting go from our Aries area of life, as it connects to what is starting to change about our truth where Sagittarius affects our lives.

Ideally, this Eclipse & Full Moon contain tremendous opportunities for us to experience profound growth as we bear witness to how Aries and Sagittarius relate within our life. Deep feelings will be felt through serious and practical means. This is a powerful time to embrace our feelings as our teacher so we can learn from them. Being gentle and patient towards how self-acceptance flows within our lives allows this calling for reinvention and transformation to balance any energy out of sync within Aries.

Venus enters Virgo 08 October

Where You Find Harmony and Understanding

The last time Venus was at 0 degrees Virgo was 19 to 31 July on her station to turn Retrograde upon 25 July. As we honored her recent review and redo request concerning our relationships, finances, values and aspects of beauty across the board until 06 September, now her Shadow passage completes. Moving on in Virgo, this is where the unfolding story here gets even more pleasurable in the weeks to follow until 08 November.

Venus in Virgo helps us create affections that are pure, controlled, and dive into the love of moral beauty. As discrimination is equally part of Virgo’s channel, at worst, too much nit-pickiness or fussing may emerge about what you are valuing the most. When harmony is sought through being of service to this area of the life, we can recognize fearing commitments and self-surrender to what wishes to align peacefully in this area of the life is energy we are merely choosing to waste. By 25 October, Venus conjuncts Jupiter, opening up completely generous and optimistic channels to flow, promoting cheerful and friendly energy to be able to see the bright side of whatever situations are progressing from this area of the life.

Mercury goes Direct in Libra 09 October

Where Your Changes & Communications Move Forward

Our Messenger Mercury concludes his last cycle of reflection for 2015, and will continue to retrace his steps under the Shadow passage until 24 October, when he returns to his retrograde starting point once again. As always under the Shadow period, we are given the opportunities to fix, restructure and iron our those wrinkles that may have been made in our retrograde fabrics within our immediate decision making and choices under the review passage itself.

As Mercury stations to turn around, he makes a sextile (an astrological blessing of easeful energy to flow) to Saturn in Sagittarius over 07 to 16 October, as our Sun does as it enters Libra this year. What future gifts bestow us here if we utilize them well as the ability to find discipline our minds can enjoy at this time is strong. If we are listening, we can be in the full know, what Retrograde action has unfolded since 17 September brought us to a greater understanding of the truth, the real value and what we are meant to relate to within our lives. Now, we can move forward under the Shadow with confidence in knowing how the purpose of life deeply connects at this time between Libra and Sagittarius for us to embrace it for our highest good.

As we take the necessary time to redefine what brings harmony to our lives in the Zodiac Month ahead, may we all seek to understand before being understood as we continue to align more of how we love to evolve.

Did you know that no matter what Sun Sign you are, our Sun’s time in Libra profoundly affects your life from every planetary cycle’s perspective? Your birthday holds the keys to your success to allow you to increase results, feel empowered, reduce stress, and align your peace of mind during the Zodiac Month ahead. For a deeper and complete personal view, check out Astrologer, Numerologist, Author & Speaker Sharita Star’s new Mastering Mercury Retrograde program to help you embrace the genuine benefits of a cycle of reflection 17 September to 09 October. Her Global Teleseminar 15 September 2015 is still available for purchase! Learn more:

Article Source: [,-The-Zodiac-Month-of-Libra-2015&id=9174107] Redefining Our Harmony, The Zodiac Month of Libra 2015

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