How to Earn $200 a Day Selling Products and Services ( Without Gurus or Gimmicks)

How to Earn $200 a Day Selling Products and Services (Without Gurus or Gimmicks)
By []Alexa Ross

Who else would love to earn $200 a day selling products and services in a niche, market or industry that you love? Are you sick and tired of chasing online gurus… and gimmicks, and wasting time, energy, effort and income on a dream that feels progressively out of reach?

Imagine how much differently your days would feel if you could truly wake UP and do what you loved for a living, and truly wake up the world with your work? The good news is, if you have a sense of PASSION and purpose about your work, and truly crave contribution as much as cash, you can have the very BEST of best worlds, starting today.

I want to give you a super simple “master outline” of the process you’ll need to follow to go from ZERO, to a full time income, in just the next 30 or 60 days. I also want to reassure you that you CAN do this, and that you can launch all of the below on a bootstrap budget, starting this weekend.

Ready? Let’s dive in and explore what I believe is the absolute FASTEST way to earn a few hundred dollars a day from scratch, and literally parlay THAT progress into a 6 figure business you’ll love for years to come.

Step 1 – Pick your Passion. Decide what it is that you really want to do, that you do really well, and that others would PAY you to do for them. (or teach THEM how to do for themselves) There are all kinds of “life passion” exercises you can use to figure this out, and I don’t have the space to outline them here, but just decide on what it is that TRULY makes YOU come alive… and then commit to building a brand, business and bank account around that)

Step 2 – Create a Content Cornerstone. This is a master outline of all of your niche knowledge, experience and expertise around the passion you picked to launch your project. This is also an EVOLVING document, and you can add to it as you go and grow and deepen your experience (and acquired expertise) in your niche.

Step 3 – Start creating products. Sounds scary, right? It shouldn’t be. You can literally start creating recordings where you TEACH the ideas directly off of your content cornerstone (the master outline you created above) via audio recordings, short Amazon eBooks and live coaching sessions to an engaged and enthusiastic audience, and have your first paying customers in just about a week.

Step 4 – The real secret to monetizing your market and breaking through that $200 a day level as quickly as possible? Repurpose your content. For example, I recently started a brand new project with a few partners where we turned our outline into 2 Amazon eBooks that earn about $50 a day, and then recorded that very same content (and reader questions) into a series of audios and PDF handouts that are sold on GUMROAD (an online marketplace for content creators) that also earn about $75 a day in total.

When you factor in higher end group and private coaching that we offer to the same clients and community, we only need about 4 clients per MONTH to break the $200 a day mark, literally all launched on a bootstrap budget.

The whole process looks something like this, when it’s fleshed out in more detail.

Create content.

Use that content to build a community.

Communicate with that community to find out what they need, and will buy to learn what you know.

Create COACHING products and services that meet those needs.

Convert a percentage of your community into customers of your digital products… and a smaller percentage of those customers into clients for your higher end coaching.

Rinse, repeat and continue to build your brand, your blog, your business and your bank account… and continue to make your marketing meaningful, and your contribution to your community your TOP priority!

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Article Source: [$200-a-Day-Selling-Products-and-Services-(Without-Gurus-or-Gimmicks)&id=8932685] How to Earn $200 a Day Selling Products and Services (Without Gurus or Gimmicks)

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