Give Back Feel Great

Nothing feels better than being able to do something nice for someone. Simple acts of kindness make a bad day a little better. These things can be as small as lending a dollar to someone in the store who is short on the total, buying a co-worker a cup of coffee, or holding the door open for someone with their hands full. Small and simple gestures can make someone’s day.

Give Back Feel Great By []Rachel Bryan

Not that long ago, I was out of work and in the grocery store. I went to the register with a quart of milk but found I was a dollar short. The cashier pulled a dollar out of her pocket and put it toward the milk. I was stunned and grateful. She didn’t have to do that. She didn’t even know me. Yet, she offered it anyway and smiled. Since that day, I’ve paid it forward to others who were short of money at the cashier stand, let others in a traffic bind merge in to my lane and out of the way of an accident, and donated time and material goods to non-profits I support. Little acts of kindness go a long way. Nothing goes unnoticed.

There are hundreds of ways one can give back a little at a time and make a world of difference. It doesn’t have to be helping out with money-related things. It can be as plain as offering to take the trash out for a neighbor. The little things can help heal an aching heart, brighten a day that was nothing but drudgery, and make a happy person grateful. Below are some options to try:

Compliment an employee’s service to a manager when they do something good. Hold the door open for the person behind you – man or woman. Offer to take a neighbor’s dog for the morning walk when you are up. Surprise the office and make the coffee when you get in. Thank an employee for being loyal and dedicated. Sometimes it works better than a regular evaluation. (No one likes them anyway.) Thank the boss for hiring you. You have a job now. Pick up trash at the beach, park or neighborhood as an act of kindness to the environment. Share an umbrella in the rain with someone who left theirs in the car. Offer to drive a co-worker to lunch and then treat them graciously and without much ado. Speak up for someone who isn’t there to defend themselves at meetings. It takes one person to change a mind or many minds. Save someone the annoyance of getting a parking ticket and put some coins in the meter for them. Encourage employees to give back. Give them a paid volunteer day off. Or two! Tell your children, no matter how young or old, you are proud of them and love them. Give your pet a treat for no other reason than being your pet.

Feel great. It takes nothing more than the realization that something you did made someone else feel good. Acknowledge that this felt great and keep doing it some more. Some acts of kindness go un-thanked. These are the toughest ones to do because you will never know if the receiver appreciated the kindness. Accept that the thanks may not come and go on performing random acts of kindness and goodness.

There will be days when even thinking about doing something nice will feel false and contrived. Few people in the world can be good every day of the week. Pick a day and make it your Act of Kindness Day. Be humble about it. There’s no need to trumpet your goodness all over the place. The smile on your face will broadcast it for you.

Learn how []this company performs many acts of kindness throughout the year to include Paid Volunteer Days Off.

Article Source: [] Give Back Feel Great


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