Take the View With You

Photos and artwork inspire, motivate and comfort me, and they refresh my mind. Over the years, I’ve perfected the ability to “step” into the pictures and mentally escape the noise of what is going on around me, whether that is a blaring airport PA system, loud people with cell phones, or shrieking children (and adults).

Take the View With You
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Faith_Monson]Faith Monson

A colleague of mine used to bring a museum post card of a famous painting with her to business meetings. After seeing her do this on more than one occasion, I finally asked her why. She told me that looking at that card of a favorite piece of art kept her happy and entertained even when she was bored to tears in endless meetings. Ever since then, I’ve carried my own personal traveling art collection with me, and I add to it every chance I get.

Museum gift shops are a perfect place to find inspiring, pocket-sized art in the shape of greeting cards or miniature prints, and this can be an easy and affordable way to collect the paintings, photography and sculpture that speaks to you. But almost every airport or gift shop postcard rack offers cards with beautiful sunsets, scenic views, soaring mountains, or pristine beaches. These can be inspiring in their own right, and can make an even bigger emotional impact when they remind you of a place you love.

Don’t stop there. Magazines and the Internet give you a limitless source of art for every mood and situation. Clip and print fearlessly, and save your treasures in small, portable mini photo albums so they’re easy to tuck in your purse or suitcase. That way, you can retreat into them as your own personal sanctuary, either one at a time, or paging through the group.

Photos and artwork inspire, motivate and comfort me, and they refresh my mind. I’ve used my traveling collection to liven up drab, boring every-city-is-the-same hotel rooms, take my mind off dull meetings, and keep me entertained during flights when there was nothing to see out the window.

Over the years, I’ve perfected the ability to “step” into the pictures and mentally escape the noise of what is going on around me, whether that is a blaring airport PA system, loud people with cell phones, or shrieking children (and adults).

I’ve even laminated my favorite pieces of art so that they didn’t wear out as quickly. In addition to favorite paintings or works of art, I’ve also included nature scenes, pieces with bright, abstract colors, funny pictures and photos of places where I have a deep personal connection.

Sometimes, the photo or artwork is the cover of a greeting card with a message that speaks to me. These are a real two-in-one inspirational deal! I look for cards with messages about handling challenges, overcoming obstacles, motivating people, inspiring yourself, or that impart a sense of comfort, strength, peace or energy. Humor is nice, as are grittier topics like courage, risk, and standing your ground.

The next time you’re in a gift shop, museum or airport, take a moment and stop by the postcard and greeting card section. Find one or two cards that speak to you, and experiment with making them your art-to-go inspiration. Bet you can’t stop with just a few!

Faith Monson is a Success Consultant who works with entrepreneurs, designers, retailers and sales-driven organizations. She makes people and businesses better by daring them to be great and helping them to reach their full potential. Visit http://www.FaithMonson.com or contact her directly at [mailto:Faith@FaithMonson.com]Faith@FaithMonson.com or 703-237-2077.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Take-the-View-With-You&id=7111863] Take the View With You

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