Key Steps on How to Live a Positive Life

Being positive has many benefits on our health and well being. Here are some practical tips on how to keep on the sunny side of life.

Key Steps on How to Live a Positive Lifestyle
By []Barbara Alexander

Throughout the struggles that sneak in to our day to day lives, negativity can become somewhat pervasive.

Remaining positive even throughout the dips takes determination and a focused mindset, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

Adopting a glass half full philosophy can, among other things, improve stress management, our immune system, our overall physiological as well as psychological well-being, and… it can even add years of great joy to our lives!

Being positive doesn’t mean that you bypass your difficult feelings or that you have to ignore the unpleasant situations which come into everyone’s life from time to time, but does it mean we that can learn to control the way we choose to look at things and shift them so that we get the necessary message behind the discomfort and are able to move on to experience more joy.

Here are some tips to support you in staying on the sunny side when life seems to throw us a curve ball.

Different things work for each of us so pick what works for you and practice it – just a few focused thoughts can create a powerful shift!

1. Don’t try to fix things when you are in the heat of the moment. It is never a good idea to try and solve problems when negative emotions are running high, escalated or overwhelming. Take a step back, breathe and find your balance. It may require that you get away from it COMPLETELY so that you can find that balance through a completely different focus on something that feels good, and then come back with a fresh outlook. The results are apt to much better.

2. Find the space to Rock Back and Breathe. Practicing deep breathing techniques is one of the most relaxing stress relief tactics, and we can do it ANYTIME and anywhere. Push out all stale air…breathe in through the nose 1..2..3..4.., hold for a count of seven, and whoosh out 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8. Feels good, right?!

3. Practice smiling and think of something you love. It is virtually impossible to feel anger when you are smiling. I think there is actually a natural hormone that is produced when you use those muscles! Manipulating our facial features is a proven technique for improving our mood and when that vibration is improved, your heart’s inspiration has space to be heard and that can lead you in the direction you need to go.

4. Faith. There is a process of handling uncomfortable emotions that helps you to find peace no matter what is going on. When I am at a loss and overwhelmed with worry, I ask for help and lean on my faith in Knowing there is more to life then what I currently understand. We are not alone and we are loved deeply.

5. Forgiveness. Well, this is a funny thing. Forgiveness implies that it is OK for us to judge another being as needing to be forgiven. People do things because they believe it is the right thing to do, even if it seems to us to be wrong. We cannot control what others think or do, but we can control how we think about it. So, in any situation that causes discomfort you might try being curious if you could think about it differently. We might try forgiving ourselves for being in this situation in the first place and then open our hearts for the deeper meaning behind the act that we feel needs forgiveness.

6. Feel for the opening and deeper meaning. Sometimes the best way to handle a frustrating situation is to take the steps to better understand what your heart is truly calling for. What do I really want? When what I am focusing on is really what I don’t want, I have zero chance of finding the solution. Many times what you are dealing with is coming up for a greater reason. The deeper meaning and inner hope is waiting there for you to find.

7. Keep inspiration alive. Sometimes remaining positive is as easy as remembering to BE positive. Keeping snippets of inspiration readily available can be just the motivation you need to have a good day. I always keep daily doses of just such inspiration and you can easily find them through my Twitter and Facebook posts if you aren’t already tuned in!

8. Listen to the whispers. It is easy to be negative when we are not tuned in to the calling of our own heart. It is only through conscious inner alignment that we will be able to fully embody an authentically positive life.

9. Appreciate. So many people are driven to accomplish, that they forget to take the time to appreciate what they have already done. They are always focused on the future and what isn’t done and totally miss the joy that is right in front of them.
The remedy? Keep an appreciation journal – it’s a GREAT IDEA! Before you start your day, add to the list all of the things you appreciate in your life, and I would bet it will affect your vibration for the rest of the day.

10. Time that heals all wounds. You may have heard this saying before but what does that really mean? It may have to do with your wisdom and how that grows over time. Sooner or later you will realize that nothing is so important that you should give up your joy.

Just remember that joy and positivity are a high vibrational state of being. It takes practice for everyone, but with this practice it becomes easier to do. Don’t give up- it is within your reach!

“When we are ready to make positive changes in our lives, we attract whatever we need to help us” -Louise Hay

Barbara Alexander is the Founder and Director of Epona Ridge, Teacher and Leading Innovator of Equine Experiential Learning and Coaching for Advanced Human Development.

Epona Ridge is a sanctuary retreat center for personal inspiration and rejuvenation located in the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. Programs offer life visioning, personal energy awareness, leadership skills, Reiki certification, train the trainer for facilitators, various personal growth workshops and women’s retreats.

For more information see:

“Barbara is an incredible teacher, whose profound understanding of human emotions allows tremendous healing and growth for all participants in her programs. Her workshops quite literally changed my life. It was almost like hitting a reset button… I am reconnecting with all of these parts of myself that I had almost forgotten were there…”

Article Source: [] Key Steps on How to Live a Positive Lifestyle

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