Feeling Unloved? Here’s What You Need to Know

Are you feeling unloved? Here are 4 signs on your face that give clues about the balance of love in your life and actions you can take starting today.

Feeling Unloved? Here’s What You Need to Know
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Jean_Haner]Jean Haner

I was looking into the face of a woman in pain. Not physical pain, but pain on a spirit level, because somewhere in her system, the love was blocked.

As she described her struggles in life, I could clearly see the story written in the features and markings of her face.

Where is the Love Blocked?

The details of her mouth reflected the anguish in not feeling nurtured in her current relationship, but also revealed her long experience with that pattern throughout life, dating back to childhood. This part of her face showed me that she’d felt so bereft for so long that she was no longer even receptive to the love people did try to give her.

She told me with great disgust that she’d consulted world-famous therapists, coaches, healers and even psychics, trying to discover a way out, but no one had ever been able to help her. As I listened, I noticed details in her brow area that showed the years of feeling rejected and deprived had deepened to the point that it had transformed into anger, causing her to strike out at those closest to her, or refuse anyone who tried to help her.

Markings on her chin revealed how she’d powered through life on pure will, feeling unsupported, that there would never be anyone she could rely on or trust. And this had created a pattern of belief that kept her locked into feeling isolated and unsupported.

But at the same time, as I gazed at her face, what was revealed was her true inner nature shining through — the power and beauty of who she was meant to be — and how it was all there just waiting for her to come home to.

Your Face Shows What You Need to be Happy

Face reading an ancient branch of Chinese medicine, which teaches that your personality, your inner design, and your whole life story can be read in the features of your face.

Each aspect of your face is like one piece of a puzzle, which, when viewed all together, creates the picture of who you came here to be, what you came here to learn, how you can express limitless love and find genuine happiness in life.

Your face also shows how you may have lost touch with your true nature, and so access to love becomes blocked, just as hers had. When the flow of love is blocked, this affects not only love from others, but your own self-love, and your ability to express love to others.

And this block can start to form very early in life, creating an imbalance that just compounds over the years.

When You Discover How to Create Balance, Your Life Can Heal Itself

Chinese medicine teaches that if your body is in balance, it heals itself. For instance, we all have cancer cells in our bodies all the time — Why do some people get cancer and others don’t? The principles of Chinese medicine show that if your body is in balance, it can clear diseased cells. So the goal with acupuncture is to bring the body’s energy into balance and thus healing happens naturally.

The same concept applies to your inner spirit. When you can discover how to bring balance back on a spirit level, your life can heal itself.

Your Face Reveals the Spirit Level Work Needed to Make You Feel Happy and Loved

This is what I was reading in my client’s face — the map of her spirit’s personal journey, how she had traveled away from her original nature to this unhappy point in life — but ALSO how she could return to balance and have things unfold entirely differently from here.

While her mouth reflected her life challenges around relationship, it also showed a woman with a strong natural desire to give to others. Her inherent generosity of spirit and her ability to help people was the most powerful force in her life.

Certainly the messages from her eyebrows indicated anger, but they also marked a strong drive to create positive change for others, to make the world a better place. Her chin showed her tendency to go it alone, but it also revealed a natural ability to help other people find their strength in life.

In this woman’s case, her inner spirit was one that was especially drawn to showing up as a loving helper, the highest form of “mothering” presence for others as her true calling in life. But she could never achieve this in her current state of imbalance.

The messages on her face showed us the way to bring balance back, to resolve the decades-old experiences of feeling unloved and being unloving, and to transform the anger into a booster rocket that could blast through the stuck places and move her into her amazing power to love and help others, and receive the same in return.

There is a language each spirit speaks in its heart of hearts. When you can speak those words to that person, like magic, balance begins to return.

I could read this woman’s unique language in the features of her face, and as I began to speak it to her, her whole energy immediately began to change. And the love began to flow again.

Four Examples: What Your Face May Be Telling You

Your face offers many messages that can help you re-balance your life. Here are four examples:

Eyebrows: Your eyebrows reflect your drive and ability to achieve your vision for the future. If you pluck your eyebrows too severely or have scarring there, that inner strength can be diminished. Your self-confidence can falter, and angry or dominating people can be attracted to you.

If after years of plucking, your eyebrows no longer grow back, you can even use make-up to restore them and you’ll experience a corresponding effect on your spirit. In fact, many people have reported that once their confidence and drive started coming back, suddenly their eyebrows were growing back naturally! Your face is just a reflection of your inner self.

Eyes: If you have natural dark shadowing around your eyes, this indicates that you feel things more deeply than others do. Your feelings can be hurt more easily as well and if this happens, you may lose your voice, withdraw and feel a loss of trust which can damage the relationship.

It’s important to understand the other person may not even have known they hurt you, and find a way to re-establish communication. You may be surprised to discover that what they meant to say was not at all what you heard, and it can save you a lot of anguish.

Mouth: If you have wrinkles near your mouth, these are often signs you are over-giving and/or under-receiving in life. It’s important to look at how you may have lost your receptivity, or that you’ve been sacrificing your own needs far too often over the years. Now is the time to get “selfish” and practice excellent self-care!

These wrinkles are often signs of years of carrying too much responsibility or feeling guilty about ever saying no to someone, so it can take some time to change that pattern. Start in little ways, by giving yourself special treats or letting others help you in small ways such as carrying your groceries or making you a cup of tea!

Eyelids: In some faces, the upper eyelids are easily visible. If you have this kind of eyelids, it means you may have a tendency to be too good of a soldier – toughing things out and never asking for help. This doesn’t always serve you well and can cut you off from those who are trying to give you love.

In difficult times, you’ll tend to withdraw and never even let others know what’s going on. It’s important to allow yourself to explore ways you can comfortably reach out to friends and still feel like you have some privacy.

What could you learn in your own face, to know the places the love is blocked in your own life, and how you can release it to allow you to soar beyond all your limitations?

Wouldn’t it feel good to bring balance and love back into your life? You can learn how to read faces today — check out my rel=nofollow [http://www.wisdomofyourface.com/events.html]face reading training and free teleseminars!

This article is contributed by Jean Haner, Hay House author of The Wisdom of Your Face, and The Wisdom of Your Child’s Face. You can learn more at http://wisdomofyourface.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Feeling-Unloved?-Heres-What-You-Need-to-Know&id=6864670] Feeling Unloved? Here’s What You Need to Know

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